Permadani / sulaman telah ada selama berabad-abad dan telah menghiasi dinding dan rumah keluarga kerajaan dan kaya di seluruh dunia. Sebagian besar desain permadani / sulaman sepenuhnya menutupi kanvas dan dapat dikerjakan dalam berbagai jahitan dan pola.

Tingkat detail dalam permadani / sulaman tergantung pada jumlah kanvas jala yang mendasarinya. Banyak desain yang dilukis langsung ke kanvas, tetapi ada juga desain yang dipetakan, mirip dengan tusuk silang dengan masing-masing persegi dalam bagan yang mewakili satu tusuk tunggal. Titik permadani / sulaman bekerja pada tanah kanvas di kanvas mono, interlock atau 2-thread yang disebut Penelope / Duo.


Tapestry/needlepoint has been around for centuries and has decorated the walls and homes of royal and wealthy families around the world. Tapestry/needlepoint is a form of counted thread embroidery in which thread is stitched through a stiff open weave canvas with a tapestry needle. Most tapestry/needlepoint designs completely cover the canvas and can be worked in a variety of stitches and patterns.

The degree of detail in tapestry/needlepoint depends on the count of the underlying mesh canvas. Many designs are painted directly onto the canvas, but there are also designs that are charted, similar to cross stitch with each square in the chart representing one single stitch. Tapestry/needlepoint is worked on a canvas ground in either mono, interlock or a 2-thread canvas called Penelope/Duo.